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Masters Message August 2020

Greetings Brothers,

As the calendar moves on to September, summer is slowly drawing to a close and sooner than we may like, thoughts will turn to Pumpkin Spice flavored beverages, family days of picking apples and other traditional fall enjoyments. For the Lodge, the officers ready the Lodge room to receive back our Brothers and hone their ritual for their new positions.

The Grand Council and our Most Worshipful Grand Master have poured over the different types of designations for gatherings and determined that our Regular Communications fall into the “venues of assembly” designation. Per the most recent guidelines from the RI Dept. of Health and the Governor that allows Lodges to meet at 66% of capacity. We are thus planning on meeting in person at Scottish Rite for our September Regular Communication. We are working on the logistics to ensure that entering Lodge will flow smoothly. We will be recording the names and phone numbers for all attending, asking the required health questions and requiring that all wear masks. We will have hand sanitizer and masks available and the lodge room will be sanitized prior to opening. Seats will be taped off to comply with social distancing guidelines and I ask that Brothers looking to catch up do so in the open air outside the building prior to entering and, once in Lodge, be mindful to remain at a social distance and promptly find an open seat. It will not be ideal or feel the same, but we need to vote on some candidates who wish to receive the degrees.

Last month, we met virtually and had a nice turn out of about 30 brothers. It was great to get to hear from everyone. Worshipful Aditya Thaker from Euclid Lodge took time to make our meeting and it was interesting to hear how New Jersey Masons are adapting and moving forward in their jurisdiction. St. Johns has procured a Zoom Pro account which will allow more online meet ups. I would like to work on having an open meeting each Wednesday via Zoom just to keep in touch. Notice of the meeting will be added online on our Facebook page. The Zoom account can be used for much more and details will be forthcoming.

It is important to remember that how we respond and adapt to these circumstances will forever be a part of Masonry. Support each other and support the community by acting on the core tenets of Brotherly Love and Relief. I encourage any brother in any need to contact me via phone (401-480-7025) or via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) whether the need is great or small.


Scott E. Miller
Worshipful Master